CHVs Preparing for Univerversal Distribution of Vitamin A & ABZ in Mathare.
Training CHVs on Maternal and Child Health Best Practices.
Eradicating Malnutrition in Partnership with Vitamin Angels
Partnering with Sub-county Health Management team in fight against Covid-19
Peace club Festivals.
Sports for Peace:Soccer Tournament.
Promoting Peace through Community Clean-up in Huruma.
Theater skills training for Peace Club Teachers.
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Covid-19 Response

Distributing Handwashing stations in Mathare

Since the emergence of Covid 19, CPN in collaboration with our donors and ministry of health took the initiative of community sensitization on prevention of the spread of the virus through installation of 50 handwashing stations.

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We work in urban informal settlements to promote peace and development to alleviate poverty through partnership with communities.

Engaging young generation in peace-building to establish foundations of peace in our communities

Community Engagement Activities

Care Group Volunteers(CGVs) and promoters giving Vitamin A and Albendazole to children under 5 in Mathare community.

Distribution of food and non-food items to most vulnerable women in the Mathare community.

Peace club members engaging in Peace club festivals activities.

Teachers and parents trained on mediation and restorative justice.

Our Impact

  Peace Clubs

    • 30 teachers have participated in professional development in peace building skills.
    • Established Peace clubs in 6 schools.
    • 519 pupils have received peace building skills.
    • 33 parents trained on parenting, child development and restorative discipline.
    • Annual Peace Club Festivals.

Youth peace ambassadors

  • 6 Youth groups trained on peace-building, conflict transformation and resolution skills.
  • 6 Youth groups trained on livelihood and business skills.
  • 3 Youth groups supported with start-up capital for their businesses.
  • 30% increase in income for the supported groups.

Maternal and Child Health (MCH)-Care group model

  • 2745 women enrolled in the care groups.
  • 12 Care group promoters and 250 care group volunteers.
  • 29,596 children given Vitamin A and 16,570 Children given Albendazoles.

Self help group(SHG)

  • 24 Active self help groups.
  • 200 participants reporting increased income as a result of SHG.
  • 100 Women report new business start-ups.

Our impact

  • Peace Clubs

    • 30 teachers have participated in professional development in peace building skills.
    • Established Peace clubs in 6 schools 
    • 519 pupils have received peace building skills.
    • 33 parents trained on parenting, child development and restorative discipline.
    • Annual peace day celebrations

Youth peace ambassadors

  • 6 Youth groups trained on peace-building and conflict transformation and resolution skills.
  • 30% increase in income for the supported groups.
  • 6 Youth groups trained on livelihood and business skills.
  • 3 Youth groups supported with start-up capital for their businesses.

Maternal and Child Health (MCH)-Care group model

  • 2745 women enrolled in the project
  • 12 Care group promoters and 250 care group volunteers
  • 29,596 children given Vitamin A and 16,570 Children given Albendazoles

Self help group(SHG)

  • 24 Active self help groups
  • 200 participants reporting increased income as a result of SHG
  • 30 neighbor women groups trained on SHG 
  • 100 Women report new business start-ups.


Schools running peace clubs
0 %
Increase in income for youth groups
Women with increased income through SHG
0 %
improved health seeking behaviour among women
Contact Us

Leave us a note and we will get back to you for further consultation.

  • 8th Street 2nd Avenue, Eastleigh-Nairobi.